Painted Faces

2320. PAINTED FACES (I929-USA) With JOE E. BROWN. Elastic-faced comic actor Joe E. Brown is nothing less than explosive in this rare dramatic role. He plays Herman, a German immigrant with a thick accent who works as a circus clown. Days before the Christmas holiday Herman and eleven others are chosen as jurors in a homicide case. Young song-and-dance man Bobby Barton was caught with a gun in his hand standing over the dead body of Roderick The Great, his rival in romance. All of the other jurors vote “guilty” but Herman keeps the jury “hung” for five days, claimÂing it is improper to convict a man of murder through circumstantial evidence. In a last-ditch effort to convince his peers to free the defendant, Herman shares the poignant circumstances of unrequitÂed love from his own life. In his scenes as a clown, Brown displays the masterful comic talents which soon were to win him great success in the movies. However, even the most knowledgeable Joe E. Brown fan will be amazed at the actor’s ability to play the tragedian. This rare early sound film is an absolute must for Brown enthusiasts and anyone who savors a profoundly moving cinema experience. It is an eye-opener for those who think comics cannot play high drama! Recommended. 70 minutes. Drama