Panama Menice; South Of Panama

2609. PANAMA MENACE (South Of Panama) (1941-USA). With ROGER PRYOR, VIRGINIA VALE, DUNCAN RENALDO, HUGH BEAUMONT. Here is an intriguing tale of international espionage that turns on a mistaken identity theme. It begins when young chemist Paul Martin cables his sister Jan of his imminent arrival in Panama. Jan is in Panama innocently posing as a Latin singer in order to add spice to her sagging career as a cabaret performer. Martin plans to meet with U.S. Army officers in Panama regarding his new invention of protective paint to camouflage military targets. The chemical formula that he carries in his head is one of the era’s most important military secrets. Paul’s telegram, however, is intercepted by a ruthless spy ring that wants to entrap Paul and steal the formula. As Jan walks onto the air field to meet her brother, she notices two suspicious characters lurking about. To confuse them, she throws her arms around a complete stranger, newspaperman Mike Lawrence. That makes Mike the erroneous target of the enemy. What follows is a trail of violence and murderĂ‘and, of course, romance. This is a terrific spy thriller presented with great authenticity. The film features actual working models of the Hudson bomber, a World War ll-era fighter plane. In addition, fans of classic television will want to know that Paul Martin is played by none other than popular 1950’s TV actor Hugh Beaumont (of “Leave It To Beaver” fame) in one of his first feature film roles. 62 minutes. Spy Drama