Panama Patrol

2753. PANAMA PATROL (1939-USA). With LEON AMES, ADRIENNE AMES, DONALD BARRY, RICHARD LOO, PHILIP AHN. Leon Ames is best remembered as a solidly reliable character and supporting actor. However, he acquits himself nicely in a rare leading role as the stalwart patriot-hero of this crackerjack espionage yarn. Ames is cast as Washington D.C.-based Major Philip Waring, the head of a CIA-like government organization known as “The Cypher Bureau.” He and ladylove Helen Lane are about to be wed, but their bliss is interrupted at the marriage license bureau. Waring receives an urgent call from the office ordering him to break down a coded diplomatic message. He quickly ascertains that the communication is oriental in origin. Next, Waring learns that a mysterious Oriental who may be connected to the message has just been observed entering a government car. The major and his partner, Lieutenant Murdock, begin tailing the mystery man and soon take him into custody. As they interrogate their suspect, a shot rings out and the oriental is shot right through the heart! So begins a riveting story which goes on to involve shifty spies and clandestine meetings and secret codes, it takes Waring from Washington to New York’s Chinatown and way beyond. As the story plays itself out Helen (who doubles as his secretary) is fated to come to his assistance in more ways than one, and the result is one splendid entertainment. Ah So! 68 minutes. Spy Drama