Paradise Isle

2133. PARADISE ISLE (1937-USA). With Movita, Warren HILL. Colorful on-location filming in Samoa enlivens this moving romantic drama. Stunningly beautiful (and scantily clad) Movita offers a simple and persuasive performance as Ila, a South Seas maiden who one day comes upon a white man who has just washed ashore on a stretch of beach. His name is Richard Kennedy, and he is a respected painter who was a passenger on a ship that had blown up at sea. Kennedy is stunned and confused. He is angry. Also, he is blind! He had been on his way to call on a famous eye surgeon who just might have been able to restore his sight. Now he is stranded on Ila’s island and it seems as if he will never again see, and never again paint. Ila’s kindness is sure to crack Kennedy’s hardened and bitter shell. However, there will be complications involving Ila’s jealous native boyfriend and a slimy and scheming white pearl trader. Eventually, Kennedy will have to make a momentous deciÂsion: Will he return to “civilization,” or remain in paradise? 60 minutes. Drama