Passing Clouds; Spellbound; Spell Of Amy Nugent, The

2461. PASSING CLOUDS (Spellbound) (The Spell Of Amy Nugent) (1940- England). With DEREK FARR, FELIX AYLMER. So powerful is this drama of an upper-class young man’s painful confrontation with the supernatural world that it was banned for a time by the British censors as being offensive to spiritualists! The thoughtful and credible plot relates the disturbing story of university student Laurie Baxter who is crestfallen over the death of his sweetheart Amy Nugent. Even the comfort he takes from his lifelong friend Diana Hilton cannot soothe his despondency. One afternoon, Laurie overhears one of his mother’s guests speaking about a form of spiritualism in which there is communication with the dead. He finds a volume she has left, which was written by the eminent spiritualist Mr. Vincent. Laurie learns “that it is sometimes possible by the mere power of the human will to see a loved one who has just passed over.” These words trigger Laurie’s intense and frantic odyssey to the spirit world, guided by his forceful mentor Mr. Vincent. This not only is an exciting film, but a frightening one as well, due to the frank manner in which it presents a sensitive and fascinating subject. 80 minutes Drama