Phantom Of Santa Fe, The

2746. THE PHANTOM OF SANTA FE (1936-USA) COLOR. With CARMELITA GERAGHTY, NORMAN KERRY. This intriguing, early talkie western drama was filmed in 1931 in Cinecolor, and it is especially enjoyable to watch its often stunning imagery. The setting is early 19th century New Mexico. The Mission Guadeloupe in Santa Fe had been attacked by a band of unknown renegades. The outlaws looted the mission of various gems, including three gold tiaras and seventeen gold ceremonial vessels. Rumor has it that the leader of the desperados is a formidable and legendary bandit known by two names: “The Hawk,” and ‘The Phantom Of Santa Fe.” However, no one knows the villain’s true identity. He may be your next door neighbor or the cowboy riding beside you on the range or the chap sitting next to you in the local cantina. The story goes on to involve a mix of colorful characters. They include Steve Gant, one of the few Americans in the area; a gunslinger named Kilbaine; a cantina girl called Lola; Don Carlos Valardi, a wealthy rancher; Valardi’s daughter, Teresa; and finally Miguel Morago, an idler and dandy who is by far the unlikeliest candidate for being “The Hawk.” Furthermore, a question arises beyond “The Hawk’s” true identity: Is he really responsible for pilfering the treasure? All of these characters come together and the result is a drama of false accusations, daring escapes and chases and, also, romance and adventure. 55 minutes. Western