Phantom, The

2353. THE PHANTOM (1931-USA). WITH Guinn Williams, Allene ray. PLENTY OF GENUINE scares and clever plot devices add to the enjoyment of this eerie early talkie chiller. It opens with a daring prison escape executed by “The Phantom.” This mysterious and desperate killer promptly makes threats on the life of District Attorney John Hampton, the man responsible for his incarceration. “The Phantom” sends Hampton a telegram warning the D.A. that he will be paid a visit that night. Hampton’s daughter Ruth is engaged to enterprising young newspaper reporter Dick Mallory. The scribe is eager to scoop the competition by capturing “The Phantom,Ó thus allowing him to make his name and earn the raise that will enable him to marry Ruth. Mallory shows up unannounced at the Hampton home, thus setting off a series of seemingly unearthly events and coincidences. A couple of crucial questions remain: Exactly who is “The Phantom?” How is he related to a devilish little man garbed in cape and mask who is known as “The Thing” and who goes around scaring people half to death? Add to the stew a kidnapping and brain transplants, creeping hands and secret panels and some odd goings-on in the spookiest of sanitariums, and the result is sure to frighten you out of your wits. Recommended. 62 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense