Planet Of Storms, The; Planeta Burg

2584. THE PLANET OF STORMS (Planeta Burg) (1962-USSR) COLOR. Attention science-fiction film enthusiasts! Fans of “Voyage To The Prehistoric Planet” will know that producer Roger Corman culled much of the footage for the film from a superior Russian sci-fi extravaganza. (See cat. #2254.) Well, here is that very epic film. As this futuristic adventure opens, three astroships have traveled over 200,000 kilo-meters from Earth toward Venus. One ship is in the path of a huge meteorite, and the cosmonauts on board await certain death. On the second ship, the cosmonauts and their iron robot “John” are preparing to land on Venus. Only radio operator Masha, the sole female member of the crew, will remain in orbit. (In the Corman version, the original Masha is bumped in favor of the much more glamorous Faith Domergue!) Cosmonauts on board the third ship are awaiting permission to join their colleagues. Soon, the space travelers hope to learn whether there is life on this strange and distant planet. They have no idea of what they will face when they start exploring the unknown. Those who have already seen the Corman version will have some idea. However, they will not know all of the dimensions of the story as presented in the original film, which remains a sci-fi gem in its own right! In Russian with English subtitles. 82 minutes Science Fiction