Rainbow Valley

2703. RAINBOW VALLEY (1935-USA). With JOHN WAYNE, GEORGE “GABBY” HAYES, BUFFALO BILL, JR. From the moment John Wayne rides into the little mining community of Rainbow Valley, this exciting Western adventure gallops at a terrific pace. Wayne plays John Martin, a stranger who takes an interest in the fact that for years Rainbow Valley has not had a proper road through the mountains to connect it to the town where the sheriff’s office is located. Every time a road construction crew sets to work, an outlaw gang led by a tricky culprit named Rogers frightens off the men. Rogers and his cronies intend to keep a mountain between them and the law. They also want to discourage the miners from staying in the area, and they go about coercing them into selling their claims at a fraction of their value. As things stand, the only automobile in the vicinity is a rough-and-tumble Model T called “Nugget Nell” that belongs to George, the lovable old coot who delivers mail to the miners. As the plot unfolds, George and “Nellie” are waylaid by the outlaws, and Martin comes to their rescue. When Martin hears about the adverse situation in Rainbow Valley, he takes on the dangerous job of supervising the road construction and protecting the crew from Rogers and his desperadoes. In this action-packed shoot-’em-up, plenty of bullets and dynamite will fill the air before the smoke clears for the citizens of Rainbow Valley. 49 minutes. Western