Restricted Training Films: Not For The Public

2098. RESTRICTED TRAINING FILMS (Not For The Public!) (early 1940s-USA-England).
1. PARACHUTE TRAINING IN THE GERMAN ARMY (USA). Produced by the U.S. War Department. This historically significant training film features German army footage. How must a parachute be properly packed? How do you correctly jump out of a plane and land without breaking your neck while you are under fire from the enemy?
2. CAPTURED JAPANESE FIREPOWER (USA). An Army Air Force Presentation. Each paratrooper may be a highly developed fighting unit “trained to fight with every conceivable weapon from knuckles to artillery, ju jitsu to land mines.” Still, he must have a full knowledge of the enemyÕs weapons. A detailed explanation of the inner workings of Japanese weaponry using captured Japanese footage. The point is that “a gun is a gun, it’s as foolish not to take advantage of the enemy’s as it is to neglect your own.”
3. U-BOAT RECOGNITION AND ATTACK BY NAVAL AIRCRAFT (England). A Naval instruction Film. How might a British seaman or flyer recognize a German U-boat? How might these subÂmarines be most effectively attacked?
4. FIGHTING MEN: CRACK THAT TANK (USA). Produced by the Signal Corps. Tanks are “tough, alright” to go up against in combat. However, a soldier should never be intimidated by them “because they’re big and make a lot of noise.” So notes an actor playing a tough talking “tanker” who lets the trainee in on trade secrets regarding the weaknesses as well as strengths of tanks. The individual foot soldier should be able to do grave harm to the most imposing tank.
5. FIGHTING MEN: TIME OUT (USA). Produced by the Signal Corps. The soldier for whom this film was made was to be soon finding himself on a Japanese-held Pacific island described as a “tank town on the main line to Tokyo.” “G.I. Joe” will have perhaps 35 weeks of combat training. He will be going head-to-head against a “nip” who had been preparing for this confrontation both physically and psychologically for over two decades. “G.I, Joe” can win if he realizes that during his training he must be forever alert. After all, in war “there’s no time for time out.” 89 minutes total. Propaganda