Ride Ranger Ride

110. RIDE RANGER RIDE (1936-USA). With GENE AUTRY, SMILEY BURNETTE. Songs by THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS, MAX TERHUNE, CHIEF THUNDERCLOUD, THE TENNESSEE RAMBLERS. When the U.S. Government disbands the Texas Rangers, Lt. Gene Autry and his fellow Rangers join the U.S. Cavalry. They soon learn, however, that the Cavalry is totally incapable of handling the Indian threat. Gene tries, without success, to convince the Colonel that the government is wrong to sign a peace treaty with the treacherous redskins. As Gene’s sidekick, Smiley Burnette, puts it, “the only good Injun is a dead Injun.” Their efforts are constantly frustrated: in fact, Gene and Smiley are even arrested for allegedly killing Indians! But in the thrilling;’ climax, Gene proves he’s been right, when he and his Rangers rescue the Cavalry, along with a wagon train of settlers and supplies, from a band of murderous savages. Throughout all of this, Gene somehow finds the time to serenade and romance the Colonel’s daughter. While in many ways a typical, and quite enjoyable, Autry vehicle, the film also touches upon some of the fundamental conflicts and issues found in major Westerns. 54 minutes. Western