Riders Of Death Valley

2152. RIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY (1941-USA). 15 Episode Universal Serial. With DICK FORAN, BUCK JONES, CHARLES BICKFORD, LEO CARRILLO, LON CHANEY, JR., NOAH BEERY, JR., BIG BOY WILLIAMS. A group of vigilantes is determined to break up a protection racket preying on the miners of Death Valley. Then, there’s the fabulous Lost Aztec Mine, and Wolfe Reade, a bad guy determined to get his paws on the loot. You just know that Wolfe is going to be played by Charles Bickford, the meanest owlhoot to ever wear a snakey moustache. Called “The Million Dollar Serial,” there’s all the shooting, fist fights and cliff-hangers that could possibly be crammed into nearly five hours of non-stop action with an all-star cast. 285 minutes. Serial