Ridin’ Down The Canyon

2745. RIDIN’ DOWN THE CANYON (1942-USA). With ROY ROGERS, GEORGE “GABBY” HAYES, BOB NOLAN and THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS, TRIGGER, PAT BRADY. Directed by JOSEPH KANE. Here is a tuneful western adventure filled with first-rate action scenes and classic comedy capers. The story focuses on nine year-old Bobbie Blake, who is rodeo cowboy Roy Rogers’ number one fan. The boy rancher has even named his horse Trigger Jr., after Rogers’ famous steed. He and his sister catch wild horses which they sell to horse ranchers. After two years of hard work, Bobbie and his sibling arrange to sell their herd for $1200. However, a gang of rustlers breaks into their corral and makes off with the entire herd-including Trigger Jr. Bobbie plans to track down Roy in hopes that he will help him capture the rustlers. Bobbie meets up with Roy, but his hero is so committed to playing upcoming radio show dates that he does not take seriously the youngster’s plea to catch the rustlers. Roy comes to realize the gravity of Bobbie’s request. However, by that time, Bobbie has become embroiled in the most danger-laden adventure of his young life. Between a number of exciting fight sequences involving the Rogers crew and the rustlers, Gabby Hayes and Pat Brady share a wealth of hilarious comic moments. A highlight: Gabby’s actions and quips as he dances the Conga! This blend of tough cowboy action and mirthful comedy makes for crackerjack western entertainment. 53 minutes. Western