Robinson Crusoe

633. ROBINSON CRUSOE (1936-USA, England). Narrated by “UNCLE DON” (DON CARNE1 RAY WINTERS announcing. What do you do with a British silent film, made in 1927, when it’s now 1936 and you couldn’t pay a theatre to book silent movies? Here’s an interesting idea. You get a radio personality known to millions Of youngsters (Uncle Don) to narrate the film (standing in front Of a WC microphone!), add music and sound effects and re-release the film for young audiences. The origin 1927 film was quite good, and makes fine viewing even though abridged in this version (the 1927 title was adapted, produced by and starred W.A. WETHERELL). Uncle Don does a fine job, making the unusual silent film-with-narration well worthwhile. Recommended for enjoyable family entertainment. 34 minutes. Drama-Adventure