Rogues Tavern, The

2403. THE ROGUES’ TAVERN (1936-USA). With WALLACE FORD, BARBARA PEPPER, JOAN WOODBURY, CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, JACK MULHALL. Jimmy and Marjorie are two young people who are anxious to be married. They arrive at the Red Rock Tavern where they are to rendezvous with the justice of the peace. As they quickly discover, the Red Rock is no ordinary hostel. For one thing, the air is filled with the creepy sounds of a howling dog and a bristling wind. For another, the guests at this “joint in the middle of nowhere” are a strange and scheming lot. As they are introduced, a tarot card reader in the inn’s lobby reveals that all present “are in the shadow of death.” It so happens that Jimmy is a cop and Marjorie is a former department store detective. This makes them just the right duo to have on hand when one of the guests suddenly dies. Teeth marks are discovered on his corpse. It appears that he has been attacked by an animal that is part dog and part wolf. Jimmy still suspects that the killer is anything but a canine. After all, how could an animal cut the tavern’s telephone wires? As this rock solid thriller-chiller unfolds, Jimmy and Marjorie will have to employ their formidable sleuthing skills to uncover the culprit and unravel the mystery of Red Rock Taver. 69 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense