Rubber Tires

2214. RUBBER TIRES (1927-USA). With BESSIE LOVE, HARRISON FORD, JUNIOR COCHLAN, MAY ROBSON. Goodbye Broadway! So-long subway! New Yorker Mary Ellen Stack and her mom, pop and kid brother have decided to head out West to sunny California. In order to make tne trip they purchase a car which will allow them to “roll to California on rubber tires.” What a car it is. It’s a run-down jalopy that seemingly won’t get the Stacks past New Jersey let alone across the continent. What Mary Ellen and her kin do not know is that the Tourist Motor Company has been trying in vain to find the first car they ever built, for use in an advertising campaign. Billboards are being plastered across the country to inform one and all that the company is offering $10,000 for the car. Wouldn’t you know that the new owner of this suddenly valuable vehicle is one Mary Ellen Stack and family! As they head West all sorts of comical complications follow, resulting in a humorous and entertaining 1920s-style road movie. Appearing as Bill James, the Stacks’ New York neighbor who has had a hot and cold romance with Mary Ellen, is an actor named Harrison Ford. Of course he is not THAT Harrison Ford. This one was a popular silent screen star who appeared in movies from the mid-teens through early 1930s. “Silent” film with music score. 50 minutes. “Silent” Comedy