Rules Of The Game, The

719. THE RULES Of THE GAME (La Regle Du Jeu) (1939-France). ÒA Film Fantasy by JEAN RENOIR” with “DALIO”, NORA GREGOR, MILA PARELY, JEAN RENOIR (son Of the famous ImÂpressionist painter), who also wrote and directed. Generally recognized as a work Of genius, this social satire (despite the contrary disclaimer at the conclusion Of the titles) takes place in pre-war France. The upper classes are subjected to the glare Of reality, showing them for what they really are…hypocritical decadent, uncaring, unfeeling, almost inhuman. Set at the opulent country estate Of a French nobleman, note particularly “the hunt” and “the masquerade ball” scenes. Is it just a coincidence that” Renoir’s family owned a country estate in Southern France? This most personal Of Renoir’s films was initially a commercial disaster, however final vindication came in 1962 when an international poll Of film critics placed “The Rules Of the Came” as the third greatest film ever made. In French with English subtitles. 107 minutes. Drama