
2638. SAMURAI (1945-USA). American soldiers were perishing at the hands of merciless “Japs” in the Far East when this potent and fascinating World War II propaganda film was placed in production, it is a scathing account, which begins as an earthquake hits Tokyo in 1923. Young orphan Ken Kenikitchi is rescued by American medical evangelists Dr. and Mrs. John Morrey. The Morreys adopt the youngster and bring him to San Francisco where they instill in him fine American values. One day “destiny stalks Ken’s path.” He is approached by a Japanese-American priest of the fanatical semi-military order of Bushido, which pays homage to Samurai as a symbol of the god of war. Ken succumbs to the demented teachings of the priest and eventually becomes a secret worshipper of the dastardly Bushido creed of hatred, lust and death. He grows up to become a medical doctor and prominent modern artist. As the Japanese prepare to go to war against the United States, Ken travels to Japan for a clandestine meeting with “The Director Of Spies and Saboteurs” of the infamous “Black Dragon Society.” Ken tries to convince him that he can conceal military optics within his abstract paintings in order to pass valuable military secrets to Japanese generals. This most shockingly biased film is meant to brainwash the American public to loathe their fellow countrymen of Japanese extraction. It must have frustrated the producers when the Japanese surrendered just before the film could be released. It must be seen to be believed! 64 minutes. Propaganda