Screaming Skull, The

2143. THE SCREAMING SKULL (1958-USA). Two candles menacingly burn. Beneath them is a casket. Inside is a written invitation to the viewer. Printed on it are the words “Reserved for You.” Next comes the image of a peaceful lake, situated nearby a country house. Frogs plop merrily about among the lily pads. Suddenly the water begins to bubble. From the lake’s bottom emerges a skull! So opens this creepy chiller about a young and fragile woman named Jenni. She has just married a widower whose late wife died in the house. They have come to live in the house, whose inside is empty and forbidding. As the newlyweds kiss, a disheveled man peers in at them. He is the properÂty’s gardener, and it is ominously clear that he is ever so slightly distanced from reality. It quickly becomes apparent that somebody is intent upon scaring Jenni to death. It may be the gardener, but then again it just may not be. The suspense begins to steadily build, leading to a truly terrifying finale. Also at the films beginning, a narrator informs viewers that they are about the watch “a motion picÂture that reaches its climax in shocking horror. Its impact is so terrifying that it may have an unforeÂseen effect. It may kill you! Therefore, its producers feel they must assure free burial services to anyÂone who dies of fright” while watching the movie. We have no knowledge if anyone ever took the producers up on their offer. 66 minutes. Horror