Sea Raiders

2491. SEA RAIDERS (1941-USA). 12 Episode Universal Serial. With THE DEAD END KIDS (BILLY HALOP, HUNTZ HALL, GABRIEL DELL), THE LITTLE TOUGH GUYS, REED HADLEY. Our favorite bunch of juvenile troublemakers are working and lollygagging in and around the docks of New York as this fighlning-paced, action-packed serial begins. World War II rages in Europe, and spies aboard a phantom ocean vehicle called the “Sea Raider” are using the air waves to plot the bombing of ships. Their new technology for death and destruction makes front page headlines, but the authorities’ efforts to run down the vile mystery ship are frustrated. In another part of the harbor, villainous foreign agents plan to steal a torpedo boat designed for the U.S. Navy by Tom Adams. Tom is the father of Billy (played with his usual cocky toughness by Billy Halop). Billy and his pals are wasting most of their days stealing lobsters and creating havoc on the wharf. Of what use can he and the other mischievous adolescent brats be to breaking up a dastardly spy ring and capturing the “Sea Raider”? Find out as this thrilling adventure takes Billy and his pals far from their usual tenement environs, where they find themselves swept out to sea and mixing with despicable villains and secret arsenals, murky underground caves and the most modern technology. 229 minutes. Serial