Secret Four, The; Four Just Men, The

2631. THE FOUR JUST MEN (The Secret Four) (1939-England). With HUGH SINCLAIR, GRIFFITH JONES, FRANCIS L. SULLIVAN, FRANK LAWTON, ANNA LEE. Based on a novel by EDGAR WALLACE. Here is a tense and exciting suspense drama that was produced at a monumental moment in world history, just as the mother country was about to unite with France and embark on a war against the tyranny of Nazi Germany. While its purpose was to bolster the morale of a people preparing for war, it also was (and remains) a first-class entertainment. The title heroes are staunch patriots who have joined in a battle against their nations’ enemies. Three of them are British, while the fourth is a Frenchman. “We all realize, of course, what is at stake and we won’t stop until we see it through,” they collectively vow. The quartet has come to be known as the “Four Just Men,” and their heroics have earned them world wide fame. However, their identities and nationalities remain a mystery, and are fodder for endless idle conversation. In the past, the “Just Men” have smashed a dope ring and a kidnapping syndicate. Now, they set out to discover the identity of an influential British government official who has been smuggling his country’s secrets to her enemies. Also coming into play is a scheme to block the Suez Canal, which would hinder the free movement of British troops and ships. The great character actor Francis L. Sullivan is a special delight as the Frenchman in the group, whose alter ego is that of a fey dress designer! 85 minutes. Drama