Secret Of The Black Trunk, The

2429. THE SECRET OF THE BLACK TRUNK (1962-Germany). With SENTA BERGER. An EDGAR WALLACE mystery. A traveller returns to his London hotel room to find his suitcases mysteriously packed. How could this be? No one knew he had been planning his departure. Almost immediately the man is knifed in the back. He is the latest victim in a series of brutal murders similarly carried out, all of which have confounded Scotland Yard. The pressure is on Inspector Finch as he sets out to determine the motive for these killings and to unmask the culprit. This will be no easy task as there are neither clues nor suspects. Among those destined to play principal roles in Finch’s investigation are a criminologist with a clandestine past and a deeply hidden agenda; a blackmailer who thinks he is more devious than his prey; a nervous doctor; an even more nervous patient; and an attractive but diffident and less-than-truthful nurse (played by sumptuous Viennese-born leading lady Senta Berger). See how quickly you can guess the identity of the killer and figure out his incentive for committing murder as this crackerjack mystery yarn unfolds. Dubbed in English. 84 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense