
774. SHE (192S-England). Written by SIR H. RIDER HAGGARD (who composed the title cards for this film). With BETTY BLYTHE, CARLYLE BLACKWE1L, MARY ODETTE. This ageless fantasy was filmed seven times before sound pictures (and then again in sound in 1934 and 1965!). An eternal story of an undying love over the centuries. This film is the last silent version made and the only one of the seven known to exist. It is the story of three stalwarts who journey to a secret place in Lybia seeking the “Pillar of Fire” and the “Queen whose days and loveliness do not fade”. An epic adventure. Haggard has been compared to Edgar Rice Burroughs in the scope of his imagination. “She-Who-Must-Be- Obeyed” lives in sybaritic splendor, knowing full well her beloved Kallikrates, dead these two thouÂsand years, will be reincarnated and join her in immortality. Betty Blythe, prepared by her leading role in the “Queen of Sheba” four years earlier, brings a majesty to “She” that is palpable. The image of the balancing rock that must be crossed to the “Pillar of Fire” is enduring. “There is no such thing as death …only change”, Silent film with music score, correct projection speed. 98 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Adventure