Sherlock Holmes And The Deadly Necklace; Valley Of Fear

2635. SHERLOCK HOLMES and THE DEADLY NECKLACE (Valley Of Fear) (1962-Germany). With CHRISTOPHER LEE, SENTA BERGER, THORLEY WALTERS. This thoroughly fascinating Sherlock Holmes adventure is a must-see for anyone who loves a good mystery. It opens with the master detective expressing his determination to find out why his great nemesis, Professor James Moriarty, has been hanging around the London docks. He knows that Moriarty is synonymous with mayhem and declares that it is his “duly to bring him to justice.” As any Sherlock Holmes fan knows, the professor’s capture will be quite a difficult task. However, what makes this story unique is that the Moriarty depicted here is not a clandestine character, but rather a university professor and respected public figure who is trusted by Scotland Yard! Holmes has much difficulty trying to convince the Yard of Moriarty’s villainy. In fact, the professor even is on the list of those soon to be knighted! As the scenario evolves, the clues and corpses come fast and furious, beginning with the opening scene in which some playful children come upon the body of a dead man floating in a river. Suffice it to say that the devilishly complex story line involves a priceless necklace that is among a cache of gold and precious stones that has been pilfered from Cleopatra’s tomb. Horror film legend Christopher Lee makes a crafty and cunning Holmes, while character actor Thorley Walters is an amusingly bumbling Dr. Watson. Dubbed in EngHish. 85 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense