Sign Of the Wolf, The

2672. THE SIGN OF THE WOLF (1931-USA). 10 Episode Metropolitan Serial. With REX LEASE, VIRGINIA BROWN FAIRE, KING THE WONDER DOG. East meets West in this slam-bang early talkie serial that is crammed with explosions and fires and fisticuffs and other myriad mayhem. Our story opens in an exotic kingdom where young Prince Kuba is named custodian of “The great secret of the jewel.” Those who are privy to the secret will be able to produce rare and valuable gems out of mere sand! At the same time, a puppy bearing the mysterious and all-powerful “sign of the wolf” is sold to an American named John Farnum, who has come to the kingdom to learn the secret. Before you can blink, shots ring out and “the great secret of the jewel” is stolen! With the passing years, the secret makes its way to the American West, where Farnum has settled with the now-grown pup (who is called King) and his daughter Ruth. The latter is a cowgirl who rides the range with Tom, her stalwart male counterpart. Lately, old man Farnum has been receiving cryptic warnings regarding the secret. You just know that his safety soon will be endangered and that Ruth, Tom and King will find themselves battling those who would forego truth, love and loyalty for the menace of easy riches. Rex Lease, a popular star of the late 1920s and early 1930s, makes Tom an intrepid cowboy hero. Pert Virginia Brown Faire is ideally cast as Ruth, a character who is part rootin’ tootin’ cowgirl and part damsel-in-distress. Finally, as you will see, the faithful and fearless King truly is a wonder dog. 139 minutes. Serial