Silent Laugh Makers

1. LUCKY DOG (1917-USA). With STAN LAUREL, OLIVER HARDY. A decade before they began to make movie history as a comedy team, Laurel and Hardy appeared together for the first time in this funny, fascinating curio. Actually, Stan is the star; he plays a dimwit who may or may not have had too much to drink. His troubles really begin when he manages to mistake a dog for a pretty girl! Ollie appears as a robber, and their casting together was entirely accidental. “Babe and I were friendly,” Laurel recalled years later, “but there was nothing about the picture or our own personal relationship to suggest that we might ever become partners. He and I were just two working comics….”
2. A NIGHT OUT (1915-USA). With CHARLIE CHAPLIN, BEN TURPIN, EDNA PURVIANCE. Directed by CHARLIE CHAPLIN. Drunken revelers Charlie and Ben wish to pass some time having fun-and will do anything to remain upright as they battle among themselves or defend each other from interfering outsiders. Charlie spends an evening on the town and a night in a quiet bed…well, not quite. He and Turpin work beautifully together; one only wishes that they had appeared more Often with each other in front Of the cameras.