Simba; Simba, The King Of The Beasts

2289. SIMBA (Simba, The King Of Beasts) (1928-USA). With OSA AND MARTIN E. JOHNSON. For a quarter-century, fabled explorers Osa and Martin Johnson travelled to some of the world’s most remote locales. This extraordinary film is what they called their “dramatic record of sheer reality” in which they captured the events occurring on one of their most famous explorations. In it they trekked 15,000 miles deep into the wilds of Africa under the auspices of the American Museum of Natural History. The continent is accurately described as a “classic land of mystery, thrills and darksome savage drama.” The film’s stars are not so much the explorers as the extensive array of animals they photograph, There is priceless footage of elephant and lion herds in the wilds. You will see crocodiles and rhinos, baboons and wild boars. There also are some stunningly peaceful and beautiful natural vistas. As you watch the film you really will get an appreciation of the sheer physical difficulty of the journey as the Johnsons and their native crew ford rivers and drive over the craggiest roads. The Johnsons reportedly spent four years shooting the footage that comprises this film, which still impresses decades after its release. “Silent” film with music score. 86 minutes. Documentary