Sin Of Harold Diddlebock, The

126. THE SIN Of HAROLD DIDDLEBOCK (1946-USA), with HAROLD LLOYD, EDGAR KENNEDY, FRANKLIN PANGBORN, RUDY VALLEE, JACKIE THE LION. Harold Lloyd’s last picture (which opens with the climax from the 1923 picture “THE FRESHMAN” – that will keep you in stitches for 10. Solid minutes). A meek accountant is fired after years Of faithful service and decides to set the world on its ear and succeeds in one shot. The ledge Of the building conclusion (reminiscent Of “SAFETY LAST”)-brings the film to a breathtaking end, (and shows the master hadn’t lost his touch in 20 years). Directed by PRESTON STURGES. The viewer is the winner, a delightful comedy-bravo HAROLD LLOYD. The complete and uncut print. 90 minutes. Comedy