Sing Sing Nights

2389. SING SING NIGHTS (1934-usa). WITH Conway tearle, Ferdinand gottschalk, HARD1E ALBRIGHT. Famed New York newspaperman and war correspondent Floyd Cooper has been cold-bloodedly murdered. He was shot three times, with any one of the bullets having been the fatal one. A fellow journalist named Howard Trude confesses to the deed and turns himself in to the police. So does Robert McCaigh, an Englishman and former army surgeon. So does Sergei Krenwrcz, military attachŽ to a Chinese warlord who claims he came all the way from Manchuria to murder Cooper. None of the authorities can determine which of the bullets caused Cooper’s demise, so all three men await execution at Sing Sing prison. Just as the sentences are to be carried out, a forensics expert informs the governor that the true killer might be determined via his newly developed “scientific apparatus”: a lie detector. The governor signs a pair of pardons, to be given to the two men who are found innocent after being subjected to the machine. With the instrument strapped to each man’s arm, they relate their respective stories of how they came in contact with Cooper and why they wanted him dead. Which one will prove to be the real kilter? Which two will go free, because they “shot into a corpse”? See if you can guess in this enticing and quite unique mystery-drama. 60 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense