Sing While You’re Able

2089. SING WHILE YOU’RE ABLE (1937-usa). WITH pinky tomun, toby wing. TOY company mogul C.W, Williams sponsors a radio show that is so hokey and out Of touch with its lisÂteners that his sales are dropping with every broadcast. So how do C.W. and flighty society gal daughter Joan respond to this crisis? Why, they go fishing. This brings them to the backwaters Of Arkansas where they come upon Whitey Morgan, a hillbilly with a set Of pipes that will make him the envy Of Bing Crosby. G.W. and daughter promptly sign Whitey to a contract and bring him to the Big City. Whitey is a green as a pea. You won’t believe the suit he wears as he leaves home. You won’t believe the car he drives. You won’t believe his relatives, beginning with his three lanky and bearded cousins. Upon his introduction to urban America, Joan Williams callously manipulates Whitey into escorting her around town in order to avoid a persistent suitor. Then a pair Of black Âguards attempt to derail his career before it can begin. Others simply laugh him Off as a hick from the stix. In the end, you can be certain that Whitey will triumph both prOfessionally and romanticalÂly as his sincerity and down-home values rub Off on the city folk. WhiteyÕs “audition” for a blustery talent agent is among the comic highlights. 65 minutes. Musical Comedy