Ski Troop Attack

2966. SKI TROOP ATTACK (1960-USA). Produced and directed by ROGER CORMAN. In this tense and unusual combat film a few brave American soldiers on skis travel across a bone- chilling world of ice and snow to meet an unknown destiny. They are a reconnaissance patrol working their way through a Nazi-occupied German forest during World War II. Although their lieutenant instructs them to avoid contact with enemy patrols, an overeager sergeant leads the men head-on into battle with a troop of Nazis. As they continue scouting the region, a Panzer Division passes within several yards of them, changing the scope of their mission from dangerous to deadly! Should they turn back and rejoin their division, or should they take the risk of continuing as the only patrol in enemy territory with the capability of reporting to headquarters the activities of the enemy? Ignoring the odds for survival, these tough soldiers trudge onward through the elements to mark roads and tunnels, bridges and railroads. As the Nazis start closing in on them, the men head for the mountains to begin their most treacherous task yet – the demolition of a huge bridge which cannot be bombed from the air. Filmed in South Dakota on a small budget, Corman used skiing high school students as extras! Experience, if you dare, this thrilling wartime adventure along with its small, but valiant group of American heroes. 71 minutes. War Drama