Slaves In Bondage

2325. SLAVES IN BONDAGE (1937-USA). WITH lona andre, wheeler oakman. The hero of this taut and deliciously lurid gangster melodrama is intrepid aspiring journalist Phillip Miller, who has a knack for being “always around when anything’s being pulled.” Phil hopes to proÂpel his instinct for out scooping the competition into a newspaper career. He is on the scene when an innocent young girl named Mary Lou barely escapes with her life after being lured away by a stranger, Her kidnapper’s purpose: to force her to prostitution. Phil’s manicurist girlfriend Dona Lee works in a shop owned by Belle Harris. Neither Phil nor Dona know that Belle actually is a heartless procurer of innocent girls. She places advertisements for manicurists in small town newspapers. Those who respond and come to the big city are unaware that they are lambs being led to the slaughter. “I’ll see that you get work,” Belle tells the girls after looking them over from head to toe. Only this kind of “work” will not involve filing fingernails. Trouble is sure to come when Belle’s lecherous partner Jim Murray sets his designs on Dona and schemes to frame Jim in an extortion plot. In addition to all the action, the film is shockingly graphic in its depiction of Belle’s scantily- clad prostitutes and their behind-closed-doors shenanigans. 69 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense