Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

1787. SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES (c. 1950-1970-uSA). PARTIAL COLOR, A collection hazardous to the Surgeon General! Classic cigarette, cigar and chewing tobacco commercials from the good old days when you didn’t light up a guilty conscience along with your filter-tip! The Old Gold packs dance around, Edie Adams invites us to “pick up a Muriel,” Willie the Penguin waddles across the screen, and the Marlboro Man looks as rugged as ever, before getting his lungs X-rayed. There’s lot’s more: Ed Wynn and the Three Stooges sell Camels; Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore puff on Kents! Winstons, Newports, Tareytons, Salems and many you probably don’t remember…and long gone up in smoke! 57 minutes Television