Son Of Samson

2956. SON OF SAMSON (1960-France-Italy-Yugoslavia) COLOR. With MARK FOREST. More than 3000 years ago in the 11th Century B.C. the Egyptian people lived a hard and miserable existence in the barren fields. At the same time, the elderly Pharaoh Armitee was permitted to live in luxury by the conquering Persians who plundered the country’s wealth and enslaved its people. The Persian masters also preserved the power of the beautiful, but cruel young Queen Smedes, the wife of the pharaoh. Threatened with the discovery of her unholy alliance with the Persians and in the hope of practicing her evil more effectively on Armitee’s son and successor, the queen plotted to have the pharoah ruthlessly assassinated. All the while the Persian invaders continued to bring destruction and devastation on the unprotected people of the Nile, who could not gather the strength to overpower their enemies and regain their liberty. Enter Maciste, a giant whom many believe to be the son of Samson because of his supernatural strength, courage and magnificent deeds. The oppressed Egyptians live in constant hope that Maciste will be their redeemer. They pray that as Samson crushed the Philistines so would the son of Samson defeat the Persians. Maciste sets out to do just that in this rousing and action- packed adventure. Dubbed in English. Letterboxed. 88 minutes. Sword and Sandal