Sons Of Steel

2435. SONS OF STEEL (1934-USA). With CHARLES STARRETT, POLLY ANN VOUNG, WILLIAM BAKEWELL, AILEEN PRINGLE. This powerful Depression-era drama follows young Phillip Mason from college graduation to a fruitless struggle to find work. Phillip believes he is an orphan. He has been raised in a poor but loving home and has worked his way through school. After two months of failure to secure a job, his adopted father brings him to the office of steel mill owner John Chadburne. Chadburne just so happens to be Phillip’s real father! Upon being widowed years before, he had given up his infant son to the Mason family. So it is no surprise when Chadburne takes an interest in the young man. He decides that Phillip should learn the mill business from the bottom up, so he gives his secret son the lowest level job in the plant, in one year’s time he will tell Phillip the happy truth of his birthright. What Chadburne cannot anticipate is the anguish Phillip feels in his predicament as a talented and educated man stuck in the hellish inferno of the steel works. That pent-up frustration explodes into a stirring human-interest drama of highly charged emotions. 64 minutes. Drama