Speckled Band, The

1235.THE SPECKLED BAND (1931-ENGLAND). WITH Lyn Harding, Raymond Massey, Athole STEWART. From 1903 through the present, an all-star raster of actors have essayed the role of ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE’S legendary sleuth, Sherlock Holmes. In The Speckled Band, a young, distinguished Raymond Massey, in one of his very first screen roles, has a go at the part, and he acquits himself most admirably. A host of Holmes phoÂtoplays have had very little to do with the detective as envisioned by Doyle, or the specific scenarios the writer conÂstructed for his character. The Speckled Band, though, is adapted directly from a Doyle story. The scenario details the activities of the pompous, scheming Dr. Rylott (Lyn Harding), whose step-daughter has been murdered, The girl’s dying words were “band” and “speckled,” and her sister has every reason to believe she’s in great danger. Through the intercession of Dr. Watson (Athole Stewart), Sherlock Holmes comes to her assistance. Many have believed that this film is the first sound feature to depict Sherlock Holmes. However, the character had been portrayed in talkies as early as 1929. 48 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense