Spirit Of ’43 And More, The

1. THE SPIRIT OF ’43 (1943-USA). COLOR. With DONALD DUCK. Everybody’s favorite animated duck is cast as a typical American worker who has just collected his paycheck. However, this wartime. So it is no time for Donald to spend money on anything he absolutely does not need. The point is that Donald (along with his fellow Americans) had best be thrifty and “save for victory.” It ‘Taxes to Bury the Axis…Taxes to Sink the Axis!”
2. THE HOUSE I LIVE IN (1945-USA) With FRANK SINATRA. Directed and co-produced by MERVYI LEROY. This outstanding film was honored with a special Academy Award. It features Sinatra, the dreamboat of every 1940 bobby-soxer, taking a break during a recording session. He goes into an alley where he comes upon a group of boys who have ganged up on one of their own. “We donร•t like him,” one says. “We don’t like his religion,” another blurts out. Sinatra gently lectures the lad: telling them that “religion makes no difference except maybe to a Nazi or somebody as stupid.” H sings the title song, a moving patriotic ode to his beloved America.
3. THE BIG PICTURE: SOLDIERS IN CREASEPAINT (I950s-USA). Narrated by CELESTE HOLN During World War II the word “theater” took on a new meaning. There was the South Pacific Theater and the China-Burma-India Theater. This is an amazingly thorough “documentary thank you note” from the military to all of the entertainers who gave more than a quarter of a million performances in combat areas during the war. Included are rare clips of dozens of famous names from JACK BENNY to GERTRUDE LAWRENCE, EDWARD G. ROBINSON to PAULETTE GODDARD, A JOLSON to JAMES CAGNEY to BOB HOPE.
4. WOMEN IN DEFENSE (1941-U5A). Narrated by KATHARINE HEPBURN. Commentary written b ELEANOR ROOSEVELT. This film astutely highlights the many contributions of women who toiler as researchers and scientists and defense plant workers in a pre-feminist era. It serves as a startling reminder of the role that women played in preparing for and winning World War II. 56 minutes total. Music and Propaganda