Spirit Of Youth

1011. SPIRIT Of YOUTH (1938-USA). With JOE LOUIS, EDNAMAE HARRIS, MANTAN MORELAND, MAE TURNER, CLARENCE MUSE, THE PLANTATION CHOIR, THE CREOLE CHORUS, THE BIG APPLE DANCERS. The inspiring story Of boxing immortal Joe Louis, featuring a black cast and starring Joe himself, in a rare screen apÂpearance. (Once you see him act, you’ll know why.) Made shortly after he became world heavyweight champion in 1937, the film fictionalizes Louis’ life (his character is named ‘Joe Thomas”). The story begins in Alabama around 1920, when Joe’s father becomes crippled and young Joe has to begin supporting his family. In 1932, determined to make something Of himself, he leaves home and hitchhikes to Detroit After some odd Jobs, he becomes a boxer, wins the Golden Gloves, andÑnicknamed “The Dark Destroyer” (instead Of “The Brown BomberÓ)Ñaims for the top. His mom and his childhood sweetheart Mary come to the city and provide moral support, but Joe is sidetracked by a sultry nightclub singer, ignores his training, and loses a crucial match. But, as mom tells him, “tomorrow is another day, “and Joe does get to face the champion, “Joe Stanley” (alias Jim Braddock). Our hero is about to lose, but loyal Mary shows up at ringside, and inspires him to victory. Throughout the movie, Louis appears somewhat dazed, and his performance can generously be described as wooden; for brilliant acting, you’re better Off with Buster Crabbe. But there are some lively songs and dance numbers, including a show-stopping Jitterbug routine, (to which Louis reacts with his usual non-emotion). And Of course there’s Louis in the ring, where he and the film come magic to life! 68 minutes. All Black Drama