St. Martin’s Lane; Sidewalks Of London
1988. ST. MARTINS LANE (Sidewalks Of London) (1938-England). With charles laughton, vivien leich, rex harrison, tyrone guthrie, larry adler. Three multi-talÂented and much-loved Academy Award-winning actors spice up this colorful and delightful entertainÂment. Its true star is Laughton, who offers a typically vivid and engaging performance. He plays Charles, a busker (or street entertainer) who earns his keep by amusing patrons outside London’s cinÂemas and theaters. Charles’ specialty is poetry, and he recites florid verses to the wailing crowds. Lovely Vivien Leigh, then on the brink of major celluloid superstardom, is cast as Libby. She is an aspiring dancer who lately has been earning her keep as a pickpocket. Charles takes her in hand and makes her his leading lady in a musical act. Just as if is clear from the outset that Charles locks the talÂent to ever make it on a real stage, it is certain that Libby is destined for greatness as a music hall star. Where will all this lead? How will this end up impacting on Charles and Libby, and their complex relationship? Rex Harrison is as debonair as ever in the relatively small role of Harley Prentice, a composer who plays a part in LibbyÕs attaining fame and becomes her romantic interest. This also is an opportunity to see Tyrone Guthrie, eminent British stage director, in a rare screen role. He is cast as Gentry, one of Charles’ street entertainer partners. 85 minutes. Drama