Stage Show

751. STAGE SHOW (March 17, 1956-USA). CBS-TV. With TOMMY and JIMMY DORSEY and their ORCHESTRA, JUNE TAYLOR DANCERS, ELVIS PRESLEY, GLENN DERRINGER, HENNY YOUNGMAN. Sponsored by Nestle’s Quick and Nescafe (live commercial by DANNY O’DAY and FARFEL). It’s Elvis’ 5th appearance on the show and he’s still introduced as the star of the “Louisiana Hayride” in Shreveport. “Blue Suede Shoes” and “‘Heartbreak Hotel” get the kids in the audience wild. Glen Derringer (an 11 year old organist) beats out a hot “Tommy Dorsey Boogie”. Guy Lombardo and Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey’s Mother are introduced from the audience. Henny O’Youngman does a fine St. Patrick’s Day routine, but Elvis alone is worth the price of admission. Recommended. 28 minutes. Television-Variety