Star Is Born, A

3. A STAR IS BORN (1937-USA). COLOR. With JANET CAYNOR, FREDRIC MARCH, ADOLPHEMENJO MAY ROBSON, ANDY Devine, PEGGY WOOD, EDGAR KENNEDY, and FRANKLIN PANGBORN. Directed WILLIAM A. WELLMAN. Produced by DAVID O. SELZNICK. The original version Of one Of the screen’s most enduring stories, this is a classic tale about the movie capital-‘the beckoning El Dorado, the Metropolis Of Make Believe where there’s a broken heart for every star on Hollywood Boulevard. Janet Gaynor is enchanting as Esther Blodgett, a farm girl who journeys to Hollywood, hoping to become a star. After struggling without luck, she meets matinee idol Norm Maine (Fredric March), a self-destructive alcoholic who falls for her, and makes her the co-star in his latest roman epic. Renamed Vicki Lester, she becomes an overnight sensation, while Norman-whom she has married-rapidly declines into oblivion. An Oscar-winner for Original Story (even though it was actually inspired by a 1932 film, “WhatÕs the Price Hollywood”), the movie has an excellent script (co-written by DOROTHY PARKER); lavish Selznick production values, including an early use Of Technicolor: a lovely, although seemingly non-stop, MAX STBNER score; and an art mixture Of comedy, melodrama and romance. And who can ever forget that famous last line? No matter how many times you hear it, it’s still overwhelmingly moving. Although there were remakes starring Judy Garland (a deservingly acclaimed musical) and Barbra Streisand (the less said about that one the better), this version is the finest. Truly one the best movies Hollywood ever made about itself. 111 minutes. Drama