Stars In The Eye

2518. STARS IN THE EYE (November 15, 1952). CBS-TV net. A “special” show celebrating the opening of “Television City” in Hollywood. Almost every CBS-TV star of the day appears. Performers include the casts of “Amos ‘n’ Andy” (SPENCER WILLIAMS, TIM MOORE, ALVIN CHILDRESS), “I Love Lucy” (LUCILLE BALL, DESI ARNAZ, WILLIAM FRAWLEY, VIVIAN VANCE), “Life With Luigi” (J. CARROLL NAISH, ALAN REED), “Meet Millie” (ELENA VERDUGO, FLORENCE HALOP, MARVIN KAPLAN), “My Friend Irma” (MARIE WILSON, CATHY LEWIS), JACK BENNY, ROCHESTER, GEORGE BURNS and GRACIE ALLEN, BOB CROSBY, CASS DALEY, GISELLE MacKENZIE, EVE ARDEN, ALAN YOUNG, BOB SWEENEY, GALE GORDON and many others. You know you’re in for a treat when Gov. Earl Warren does a comedy routine with Gracie Allen! The visual quality is dicey, but this was the essence of live TV. Recommended! 60 minutes. Live TV Variety