State Department File 649

2592. STATE DEPARTMENT FILE 649 (1948-USA). WITH VIRGINIA BRUCE, WILLIAM LUNDIGAN. After you savor this thrilling adventure drama, you will have learned everything there is to know about the procedures, intrigues and heroics of the U.S. Foreign Service. The scenario opens in Peiping, described as “one of the few important listening posts in turbulent North China.” Several informants to the American consul general in Peiping have recently been mysteriously and sadistically murdered. Enter Kenneth Seeley, a bright young foreign service officer. Seeley was born in Manchuria where his parents were missionaries, so he is especially familiar with this dangerous part of the world. He is first assigned as a language officer at Peiping’s American embassy, where he is expected to be “the eyes and ears of the United States.” As the political situation in the area becomes even more precarious, Seeley is reassigned to a smaller and more perilous outpost. It is here where he matches wits with a brutal and bloodthirsty Mongolian warlord, a dastardly villain who has proclaimed himself the new Genghis Khan. The result is a revealing and tension-packed entertainment that is dedicated to “the unsung and often unhonored heroes [of the Foreign Service] who represent the American people in all corners of the globe…those men and women who have given their health and their lives in obscurity.” CAUTION: This is a black and white print of a film originally released in color. 87 minutes. Adventure