Stilwell Road, The

114. THE STILWELL ROAD (1945-USA). Narrated by RONALD REAGAN. Stirring World War II documentary, using exciting combat footage to tell of the “almost forgotten” China-Burrma-lndia FrontÑ”a story of humiliating defeat, flaming courage, and hard-won victory.” Shortly after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese destroyed much of the Burma Road, a vital “land bridge” between India and China, which, since 1938, had prevented the collapse of blockaded China, Over 200,000 laborers had “practically scratched it out of the mountains with their fingernails.” Now, with both China and India in danger of falling, and with thousands of Burmese and others forced to seek refuge along rivers and elephant trails, through jungles and over mountains, a complex Allied campaignÑinvolving a massive multinational forceÑundertakes the monumental task of rebuilding the road. British and Americans work side by side with Chinese, Indians, Burmese, and othersÑeven African headhuntersÑand the result is a new 1000-mile road (renamed in honor of General Stilwell), and a major victory in the war against Japanese aggression. “Study this picture carefully . . . Unless we, the free men of the world, learn the lesson that it teaches us, we will never be able to maintain the peace, the freedom, and the security for which all of us have fought.” 46 minutes. Propaganda-Documentary