Story Of Danny Lester, The

1891. THE STORY Of DANNY LESTER (Bad Boy) (1949-usa). With Lloyd Nolan, JANE WYATT, AUDIE MURPHY, JAMES GLEASON, MARTHA VICKERS, DICKIE MOORE. Audio Murphy was the most decorated American soldier during World War II, winning a total Of 24 citations (one Of which was the Congressional Medal Of Honor). His boyish good looks, combined with the publicity surrounding his battlefield heroics, enabled him to commence a film career during the late 1940’s. Here is his initial starÂring role, and he acquits himself nicely in this entertaining yarn playing a character totally unlike his real-life self: Danny Lester, a seemingly unrepentant teen-age hoodlum who “can’t be helped because he doesn’t want to be helped.” Danny has been convicted Of armed robbery, and the Judge who is set to sentence him believes that he is a hopeless case, destined to “kill next time, if we permit a next time.” Lloyd Nolan Offers a sincere performance as Marshall Brown, administrator Of the Variety Clubs Boys’ Ranch, a home for trouÂbled youth. The ranch is a place where boys with problems can work, play and study, and get themselves squared up with the world. “I’ve studied Danny Lester’s record,” Brown tells the judge, “and it’s pretty bad…but somehow, it isn’t the record Of a habitual criminal…I’m sure that something happened to this boy that made him the way he is. I’d like a chance to find out what that something is.” Brawn is given that chance; the scenario charts the manner in which he reaches out to the boy, and further investigates Danny’s past so that the lad may be guaranteed a promising future. Caution: this is and edited version Of this film. 72 minutes. Drama