Sundown Saunders

1457. SUNDOWN SAUNDERS (1936-USA). With BOB STEELE. Directed by ROBERT N. BRADBURY. Popular cowboy star Bob Steele headlines this diverting Western as Jim “Sundown” Saunders, an upright, outspoken, two-fisted ranch foreman, so named because of his uncanny ability to win at the card table when the sun is low. The story opens with a bang, as Sundown finishes first in a pony race. His prize is a deed for 640 acres of land. Since he’s just quit his job, he decides to check out his new property. What he doesn’t yet know is that it contains some of the finest grazing land in the country. Before Sundown can commence settling his homestead, he must contend with a wily swindler and killer named Taggert, who will do almost anything- even shooting defenseless men in the back-for a dime. Note: veteran director Bradbury, who supervised dozens of B Westerns in the 1920s and 30s, is Bob Steele’s father. (Steele’s real name is Robert N. Bradbury, Jr.).63 minutes. Western