Take It Big

246. TAKE IT BIG (1944-usA) jack haley, Harriet hilliard, mary beth hughes, aril JUDGE, NILS T. GRANLUND, FUZZY KNIGHT, OZZIE NELSON and His Orchestra. The adventure Of Ozzie and Harriet back in the fabulous forties. Ozzie plays a band leader (what did you expect Hamlet?) who’s crazy about the singer, Harriet. But she’s hopelessly infatuated with half a horse. Actually, her flame is an actor (Jack Haley) who plays the rear part Of a horse in a comedy skit. The poor fellow is so obsessed with his role that he kicks out in his sleep, and even a psychiatrist (Nils Granlund doing his classic nutty shrink routine) doesn’t really help. When Jack inherits a fancy Nevada di ranch, which includes a gambling casino, he registers incognito so he can spy on his employees. And running up a huge bill (who cares, it’s his place), obnoxiously ordering everyone around, and incurring the house detective’s wrath, Jack learns that he’s been in the wrong ranch: he actually inherits completely broken-down place a few miles away. Along with Ozzie, Harriet and others, he rebuilds the dump into a respectable dude ranch, and puts on a terrific opening night show, but he still needs fur to keep it going, and the climax finds him in a big-money rodeo championship, where he accidentally ends up riding a bucking bronco- his first time on an actual horse! This enjoyable movie feature humorous dancing by ROCHELLE and BEEBE and pleasant comedy with Pansy the Horse. Film entertainment from the era when Ozzie really had a job! 75 minutes. Musical