Tarzan Of The Apes

529. TARZAN OF THE APES (1918-USA). With ELMO LINCOLN and ENID MAKKEY as lane. The very first Tarzan film (made only 4 years after Edgar Rice Burroughs published the first “Tarzan” story), starring the very first movie Tarzan. The “origin story”; how Lord and Lady Greystoke were ship wrecked, how their little baby was adopted by a she-ape after their deaths. An excellent movie, quite moving and emotional even today. The naked ape-boy grows up to be “King of the Jungle” and eventually meets Jane. A must for adventure film lovers as well as an historical landmark in the development of film story telling. Elmo Lincoln, with a physique that’s hard to believe, makes a superb wild man of the jungle. Silent film with music score, correct projection speed. 74 minutes. “Silent” Drama