Tarzan The Fearless

1231. TARZAN THE FEARLESS (1933-USA). WITH Buster Crabbe, Jacqueline Wells, Eddie Woods, MISCHA AUER. In the 1932 Olympics, Larry “Buster” Crabbe earned a gold medal in the 400 meter free-style swimÂming event, breaking a record set in the previous decade by Johnny Weissmulfer. This is not the only parallel in the live of these two great athletes: each went on to become a Hollywood actor; and it was around the same time that each appeared on screen as Tarzan, EDGAR RICE BURROUGH’S beloved jungle hero. TARZAN the fearless was released in both serial and feature versions, and here is the latter. In the first few minutes alone, Tarzan tangles with a ferocious lion in hand-to-hand combat, and rescues a helpless young woman named Mary (Jacqueline Wells) from the clutches of a hungry alligator. Wells, by the way, was a child actress during the 1920s who, after several years away from the screen, successfully resumed her career as a star of second features and serials. Then, in 1941, she changed her name to Julie Bishop, and commenced yet another career as a Warner Bros, contract player. The scenario in TARZAN tHE Fearless chronicles her character’s search for her father, who’s been kidnapped by the followers of Zar, (God of the Jeweled Fingers), as well as a quest for an emerald treasure by some rather unpleasant fellows, Unlike many of the dozens of Tarzan films produced over the decades, this film is based on an actual story by Burroughs. 86 minutes. Featurized Serial