Thanks For Listening

1873. Thanks For LISTENING (1937-USA). With PINKY TOMLIN, MAX1NE DOYLE, AILEEN PRINGLE. Pinky Tomlin’s amiable personality and pleasing singing voice make this comedy with music a likable concoction. He’s cast as Homer Tompkins, a “sympathetic sap” who is taken in by a band Of scheming shysters headed by a dame named Lulu (played by socialite-turned-silent screen leading lady Aileen Pringle). Lulu and her cronies set up Homer in Reno, where he’s to become a “prOfessional listener”: a person who “lends his shoulder at five dollars a cry” to people whose troubles have piled up and are unable to bear their burdens alone. Lulu’s goal is to steer a very special client to the unsuspecting Homer: Utah Pete, a fat, friendly cowboy who’s got more gold than the United States Mint. She’s certain that Pete will reveal to Homer the location Of his secret goldmine, which for 20 years has provided him with a steady stream Of riches. Pete may be loud, and Homer certainly may be naive, but you can bet that, in the end, neither will prove to be stupid. 57 minutes. Musical Comedy